ACCELERATING CARBON FARMING Joint 4 per 1000 Initiative / European Parliament webinar 8 Sept 2021
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ACCELERATING CARBON FARMING Joint 4 per 1000 Initiative / European Parliament webinar 8 Sept 2021
4p1000 Initiative
carbon farming
How to make Carbon Farming a Success for Climate, Environment and Farmers ?
The Green Deal has been marked as the new economic strategy of the Union. It is changing our overall legislative framework to allow the deployment of technologies and unlock the investment that will make possible carbon neutrality, and a new model of prosperity. Agriculture and farmers have an essential role to play since this is the one of the few sectors that has the ability to shift from a net emitter of CO2 to a net sequestered of CO2.
As part of the European Green deal, a series of initiatives can become true game changer: the reform of LULUCF regulation, the Carbon Farming initiative and the regulatory framework for certifying carbon removal.
If we design the framework right, carbon farming can create a new profitable business model and support the transition. The European Green deal offers an opportunity to build a transition profitable for all: farmers would be able to get money for their contribution to climate mitigation, and also additional support to enhance their capacity to stock carbon in farmland, which is ultimately needed if we are serious about being carbon neutral by 2050. This is how we will bring everybody on board with the transition.
During this panel, each speaker is asked to discuss the following questions:
- How to ensure than carbon farming actually delivers the expected outcome in terms of climate mitigation and biodiversity protection on one side,and on farmers’ additional revenues on the other side?
- How the carbon market, and at which price, can incentivize properly farmers?
- How to ensure permanence of action in order to secure lasting climate action?
- Who would be liable for the proper management and maintenance of agricultural practices benefiting the climate? (And more)
Mr. Pascal Canfin - Chair of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI Committee)
Mr. Norbert Lins - Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI Committee)
Mr. Christian Holzleitner - Head of the Unit Land Use & Finance for Innovation (DG CLIMA.C.3) at DG CLIMA (Directorate General Climate Action)
Ms. Claire Chenu - Director of Research Coordinator of EJP Soil "European Joint Programming Co-fund on Agricultural Soil Management"
Member of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the "4 per 1000" Initiative
Ms. Anne Trombini - Director "Pour une Agriculture du Vivant - Pour une Agriculture du Vivant"
Ms. Léa Lugassy - Scientific Coordinator "Pour une Agriculture du Vivant - Pour une Agriculture du Vivant"
Ms. Margaret Kim - CEO "The Gold Standard"
Mr. Georg Goeres - Head of Europe "Indigo"
Mr. Quentin Sannié Founder & CEO "Greenback"
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