From the soil plant system to the field

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  • COMIFER JT MOS 2021 7 Avril_S Recous_Couplage des cycles du carbone et de l'azote

    La Journée Technique organisée par le COMIFER le 7 avril 2021 a pour ambition de présenter un état des connaissances et des exemples concrets sur les différentes thématiques concernant les matières organiques dans les sols agricoles. Pour cela, l’animation et les interventions seront portées par des représentants de la Recherche francophone (AgroParisTech, ENS, FIBL, HEPIA, INRAE, UCL), des instituts techniques (ARVALIS, IFV, Terres Inovia), des organismes de transfert (Agro-Transfert, RITTMO), des laboratoires d’analyses (Auréa AgroSciences, CAPINOV, Celesta-Lab, LDAR, GEMAS), des conseillers terrain (Chambres d’Agriculture d’Alsace et du Rhône, SATEGE du Nord Pas-de-Calais), ainsi que l’ADEME et la DGAL/MAA. La matinée posera les bases d’une bonne compréhension des matières organiques dans les sols agricoles. La séquence introductive définira les matières organiques, leurs rôles et leur évolution, ainsi que le lien étroit avec le cycle de l’azote.
  • COMIFER JT MOS 2021 7 Avril_A Duparque_H Clivot_F Ferchaud: Modélisation de l'évolution du C organiq

    La Journée Technique organisée par le COMIFER le 7 avril 2021 a pour ambition de présenter un état des connaissances et des exemples concrets sur les différentes thématiques concernant les matières organiques dans les sols agricoles. Pour cela, l’animation et les interventions seront portées par des représentants de la Recherche francophone (AgroParisTech, ENS, FIBL, HEPIA, INRAE, UCL), des instituts techniques (ARVALIS, IFV, Terres Inovia), des organismes de transfert (Agro-Transfert, RITTMO), des laboratoires d’analyses (Auréa AgroSciences, CAPINOV, Celesta-Lab, LDAR, GEMAS), des conseillers terrain (Chambres d’Agriculture d’Alsace et du Rhône, SATEGE du Nord Pas-de-Calais), ainsi que l’ADEME et la DGAL/MAA. La matinée posera les bases d’une bonne compréhension des matières organiques dans les sols agricoles. La séquence introductive définira les matières organiques, leurs rôles et leur évolution, ainsi que le lien étroit avec le cycle de l’azote. La deuxième séquence abordera les méthodes de mesure de ces matières organiques des sols (MOS), l’état des lieux du statut organique des sols français et luxembourgeois, et les interprétations possibles de ces niveaux de MOS, en discutant de la pertinence d’informations complémentaires issues de la caractérisation biologique des sols. La fin de la matinée portera sur la dynamique des MOS à moyen et long terme, avec présentation d’outils disponibles pour prédire cette évolution et illustration de l’impact des pratiques agricoles, à l’échelle de la parcelle mais également du territoire français.
  • A well-established fact: rapid mineralization of organic inputs is an important factor for soil carbon sequestration

    We have read with interest an opinion paper recently published in the European Journal of Soil Science (Berthelin et al., 2022). This paper presents some interesting considerations, at least one of which is already well known to soil scientists working on soil organic carbon (SOC), i.e. a large portion (80-90%) of fresh carbon inputs to soil is subject to rapid mineralization. The short-term mineralization kinetics of organic inputs are well-known and accounted for in soil organic matter models. Thus, clearly, the long-term predictions based on these models do not overlook short-term mineralization. We point out that many agronomic practices can significantly contribute to SOC sequestration. If conducted responsibly whilst fully recognizing the caveats, SOC sequestration can lead to a win-win situation where agriculture can both contribute to the mitigation of climate change and adapt to it, whilst at the same time delivering other co-benefits such as reduced soil erosion and enhanced biodiversity.
  • The Science and Semantics of “Soil Organic Matter Stabilization”

    It is a shared goal of the scientific community to improve model projections of soil organic carbon dynamics such that the carbon cycle is represented as accurately as possible in global land models. For several decades, those pursuing this objective have operated under the assumption that “the longer soil carbon persists, the more stable we regard it as being.” While this understanding was helpful in facilitating conversations on the topic, it has created the notion of the existence of a chemically and physically definable organic phase in soil with the ability to “resist” decomposition. Here we argue that “stability” is a conceptual and not a physically existing state of organic matter. To this end, we analyze the semantics of “persistence” and “stability” to point out that (i) they are independent concepts and not interchangeable terms and (ii) that “persistence” is not an automatic consequence of “stability.” Through extensive revision of the literature, we show that slow-cycling carbon does not do so because it has the material property of being “stable,” rather, it persists because it is not being decomposed. It follows that the notion of soil organic matter stabilization is a flawed concept that distracts from the actual causes for slow carbon cycling. We suggest that the question to be asked in future research should no longer be “Why is soil carbon stable?.” Rather, the question should be: What are the constraints that prevent the decomposer community from processing soil carbon to their full metabolic potential?
  • Soil carbon sequestration for climate change mitigation: Mineralization kinetics of organic inputs as an overlooked limitation

    Over the last few years, the question of whether soil carbon sequestration could contribute significantly to climate change mitigation has been the object of numerous debates. All of these debates so far appear to have entirely overlooked a crucial aspect of the question. It concerns the short-term mineralization kinetics of fresh organic matter added to soils, which is occasionally alluded to in the literature, but is almost always subsumed in a broader modelling context. In the present article, we first summarise what is currently known about the kinetics of mineralization of plant residues added to soils, and about its modelling in the long run. We then argue that in the short run, this microbially-mediated process has important practical consequences that cannot be ignored. Specifically, since at least 90% of plant residues added to soils to increase their carbon content over the long term are mineralized relatively rapidly and are released as CO2 to the atmosphere, farmers would have to apply to their fields 10 times more organic carbon annually than what they would eventually expect to sequester. Over time, because of a well-known sink saturation effect, the multiplier may even rise significantly above 10, up to a point when no net carbon sequestration takes place any longer. The requirement to add many times more carbon than what one aims to sequester makes it practically impossible to add sufficient amounts of crop residues to soils to have a lasting, non-negligible effect on climate change. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that raising the organic matter content of soils is desirable for other reasons, in particular guaranteeing that soils will be able to keep fulfilling essential functions and services in spite of fast-changing environmental conditions. Highlights Attempts to promote soil carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change have so far ignored the short-term effects of the mineralization of plant residues added to soils. Only about 10%, at most, of added plan residues remain in soils after mineralization by soil organisms. To have a significant effect on climate change, farmers would need to add impractically large amounts of plant residues, requiring unrealistic nitrogen inputs. Therefore, rather than as a mitigation strategy, farmers should aim to increase the carbon content of soils to make them resilient to climate change.
  • Conservation agriculture practices drive maize yield by regulating soil nutrient availability, arbuscular mycorrhizas, and plant nutrient uptake

    Conservation agriculture (CA) can sustainably increase crop productivity through improved soil chemical, physical, and biological properties, among others. However, the implementation of all its three main components (i.e., no-tillage, organic soil cover/mulch, and crop diversification) in southern Africa is often challenging, resulting in variable yield responses. Disentangling the contributions of CA practices is necessary to understand the drivers of maize grain yield within the region. Here we analysed two 6-year long component omission experiments, one at a sandy soil location and the other at a clay soil location. In these two experiments, soil chemical parameters, total plant nutrient uptake, rate of crop residue decomposition, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) colonization of maize roots were assessed. Soil chemical properties only differed across systems at the sandy soil location with the mulched systems under no-tillage (NT) resulting in increased soil organic carbon levels, total nitrogen, and soil available phosphorus as compared to conventional tillage with no mulch or rotation (CT). Conventional tillage-based systems resulted in fastest decomposition of maize residues, while systems with NT and rotation resulted in highest AM fungal root colonization rate of maize at the clay soil location. Total plant N uptake was almost 2-fold higher in tilled and no-tilled systems with both mulch (M) and rotations (R) (i.e., NT+M+R and CT+M+R) as compared to CT. Structural equation modeling was used to disentangle the links between cropping systems, soil chemical and biological properties, plant nutrient uptake, and maize grain yield. Cropping systems had direct and indirect influences on yield at both locations. At both locations, cropping systems influenced yield via plant N uptake, with the NT+M+R and CT+M+R systems having more beneficial effects compared to other systems, as shown by their higher path coefficients. In conclusion, we recommend a more holistic approach to cropping system assessment that includes a higher number of abiotic and biotic determinants. This would allow for a more rigorous evaluation of the drivers of yield and increase our understanding of the effects and performance of practices under the prevailing agro-ecological conditions.
  • Root litter decomposition in a sub-Sahelian agroforestry parkland dominated by Faidherbia albida

    In agroforestry systems, fine roots grow at several depths due to the mixture of trees and annual crops. The decomposition of fine roots contributes to soil organic carbon stocks and may impact soil fertility, particularly in poor soils, such as those encountered in sub-Sahelian regions. The aim of our study was to measure the decomposition rate of root litter from annual and perennial species according to soil depth and location under and far from trees in a sub-Sahelian agroforestry parkland. Soil characteristics under and far from the trees were analysed from topsoil to 200 cm depth. Faidherbia tree, pearl millet and cowpea root litter samples were buried in litterbags for 15 months at 20, 40, 90 and 180 cm depths. Root litter decomposition was mainly impacted by soil moisture and soil depth. Faidherbia decomposed more slowly (36 ± 12% remaining mass after 15 months) than cowpea and pearl millet roots (23 ± 7% and 29 ± 11% respectively). Pearl millet aboveground biomass, at harvesting time, was twice as high under (992 g m−2) than far (433 g m−2) from the tree, and belowground biomass (0–200 cm of depth) was 30.9 g m−2 and 19.6 g m−2 under and far from the tree, respectively. Faidherbia fine roots contributed slightly (p-value < 0.1) to higher stocks of C under the tree (7761 ± 346 g m−2) than far from it (5425 ± 558 g m−2) and from 0 cm down to 200 cm depth.
  • Carbon sequestration capacity in no-till soil decreases in the long-term due to saturation of fine silt plus clay-size fraction

    The capacity of soils to stabilize carbon (C) may decrease over time, limiting the potential of no-till soil to act as a C sink in the long-term. Our objectives were to evaluate the effects of long-term no-till cropping systems on (i) C storage in soil, (ii) C stabilization in the fine silt plus clay-size (<20 μm) fraction and its relationship with the decrease of C saturation deficit (CSD) in this fraction, and (iii) on C accumulation in labile fractions of soil organic matter (SOM) in 0–2.5, 2.5–5, 5–10 and 10–20 cm layers of a subtropical Acrisol. The study was based on a long-term (36 years) no-till experiment where five cropping systems, with variable annual C inputs, were assessed: [i] bare-soil, [ii] black oat/maize, [iii] black oat + vetch/maize + cowpea, [iv] lablab + maize and [v] pigeon pea + maize. Cropping systems including maize and tropical legumes (lablab, pigeon pea and cowpea) with high C input led to the highest C storage in the top layers (up to 10 cm depth) of this no-till soil. Also, a decrease of CSD in fine silt plus clay-size fraction was observed in all soil layers to 20 cm depth, but the most expressive impact on CSD occurred in the topsoil (0–2.5 cm), where the capacity to further stabilize more carbon decreased by 90–97% when compared to bare soil. Considering the full C saturation level of the silt plus clay-size fraction and the current C contents in the soil, the remaining capacity of C sequestration up to 20 cm was estimated as ranging from 22.5 to 32.8 Mg C ha−1, and much of it (58–75%) was in the 10–20 cm layer. Our results highlight the importance of diversified cropping systems with high input (quantity and quality) crop residues to C sequestration in soil. Moreover, although the mineral-associated SOM of the top layer reached a C stabilization limit, C accumulation continues in non-saturated labile fractions, and in non-saturated fine silt plus clay-size fraction in deeper layers of subtropical no-till soils.
  • Will fungi solve the carbon dilemma?

    Soils are hotspots of diversity and sustain many globally important functions. Here we focus on the most burning issue: how to keep soils as carbon sinks while maintaining their productivity. Evidence shows that life in soils plays a crucial role in improving soil health yet soil ecological processes are often ignored in soil sciences. In this review, we highlight the potential of fungi to increase soil carbon sequestration while maintaining crop yield, functions needed to sustain human population on Earth and at same time keep the Earth livable. We propose management strategies that steer towards more fungal activity but also high functional diversity of fungi which will lead to more stable carbon sources in soil but also affects the structure of the soil food web up to ecosystem level. We list knowledge gaps that limit our ability to steer soil fungal communities such that stabilising carbon in top soils becomes more effective. Using the natural capacity of a biodiverse soil community to sequester carbon delivers double benefit: reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide by storing photosynthesized carbon in soil and increasing agricultural yields by restoring organic matter content of degraded soils.
  • Estimates of carbon stocks in sandy soils cultivated under local management practices in Senegal’s groundnut basin

    Soil organic carbon (SOC) is essential for the productivity of agroecosystems and for mitigating climate change. Because the SOC contents of sandy soils are usually small, the effects of agricultural management upon SOC stocks in such soils have been insufficiently studied. In West sub-arid Africa, the coarse-textured soils (mostly Arenosols) are diversely managed by smallholders. In this study, we aimed to quantify SOC stocks in cultivated soils of that region, in a context where agricultural practices rely mainly upon organic inputs derived from various integrated crop-livestock systems. SOC stocks were estimated for the 0–30 cm depth in 1,813 plots in Senegal’s groundnut basin. We found that SOC stocks in farmers’ fields varied between 2.3 and 59.8 Mg C ha-1 (mean ± standard deviation, 14.6 ± 0.14 Mg C ha-1). SOC stocks were influenced slightly by soil type, but were only weakly correlated to soils’ clay and silt contents. SOC stocks differed significantly among the three studied village territories due to contrasting livestock-raising systems. Average stocks were significantly higher in plots close to housings (home-fields), which receive larger amounts of organic inputs, than in plots farther from the village (out-fields). Thus, the organic inputs to home-fields improves soil C stocks of these sandy soils in the short term. Innovative agricultural practices in the studied area probably need to target options for managing all fields optimally. Those options will require continuous application of organic products—a measure that will in turn require solutions for improving availability or management of local organic resources.
  • Simulating soil organic carbon in maize-based systems under improved agronomic management in Western Kenya

    Improved management practices should be implemented in croplands in sub-Saharan Africa to enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) storage and/or reduce losses associated with land-use change, thereby addressing the challenge of ongoing soil degradation. DayCent, a process-based biogeochemical model, provides a useful tool for evaluating which management practices are most effective for SOC sequestration. Here, we used the DayCent model to simulate SOC using experimental data from two long-term field sites in western Kenya comprising of two widely promoted sustainable agricultural management practices: integrated nutrient management (i.e. mineral fertilizer and crop residues/farmyard manure incorporation) and conservation agriculture (i.e. minimum tillage and crop residue retention). At both sites, correlations between measured and simulated SOC were low to moderate (R2 of 0.25−0.55), and in most cases, the model produced fairly accurate prediction of the SOC trends with a low relative root mean squared error (RRMSE < 7%). Consistent with field measurements, simulated SOC declined under all improved management practices. The model projected annual SOC loss rates of between 0.32 to 0.35 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 in continuously tilled maize (Zea mays) systems without fertilizer or organic matter application over the period 2003–2050. The most effective practices in reducing the losses were the combined application of 4 Mg ha-1 of farmyard manure and 2 Mg ha-1 of maize residue retention (reducing losses up to 0.22 Mg C ha-1 yr-1), minimum tillage in combination with maize residue retention (0.21 Mg C ha-1 yr-1), and rotation of maize with soybean (Glycine max) under minimum tillage (0.17 Mg C ha-1 yr-1). Model results suggest that response of the passive SOC pool to the different management practices is a key driver of the long-term SOC trends at the two study sites. This study demonstrates the strength of the DayCent model in simulating SOC in maize systems under different agronomic management practices that are typical for western Kenya.
  • Reducing losses but failing to sequester carbon in soils – the case of Conservation Agriculture and Integrated Soil Fertility Management in the humid tropical agro-ecosystem of Western Kenya

    Agriculture is a global contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, causing climate change. Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration is seen as a pathway to climate change mitigation. But, long-term data on the actual contribution of tropical soils to SOC sequestration are largely absent. To contribute to filling this knowledge gap, we measured SOC in the top 15cm over 12 years in two agronomic long-term trials in Western Kenya. These trials include various levels – from absence to full adoption – of two widely promoted sustainable agricultural management practices: Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM; i.e. improved varieties, mineral fertilizer and organic matter/manure incorporation) and Conservation Agriculture (CA; improved varieties, mineral fertilizer, zero-tillage and crop residues retention). None of the tested ISFM and CA treatments turned out successful in sequestering SOC long-term. Instead, SOC decreased significantly over time in the vast majority of treatments. Expressed as annual averages, losses ranged between 0.11 and 0.37tCha−1 yr−1 in the CA long-term trial and 0.21 and 0.96tCha−1 yr−1 in the ISFM long-term trial. Long-term application of mineral N and P fertilizer did not mitigate SOC losses in both trials. Adopting zero-tillage and residue retention alone (as part of CA) could avoid SOC losses of on average 0.13tCha−1 yr−1, while this was 0.26tCha−1 yr−1 in response to mere inclusion of manure as part of ISFM. However, cross-site comparison disclosed that initial SOC levels of the two trials were different, probably as a result of varying land use history. Such initial soil status was responsible for the bulk of the SOC losses and less so the various tested agronomic management practices. This means, while ISFM and CA in the humid tropical agro-ecosystem of Western Kenya contribute to climate change mitigation by reducing SOC losses, they do not help offsetting anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere.
  • Particulate organic matter as a functional soil component for persistent soil organic carbon

    The largest terrestrial organic carbon pool, carbon in soils, is regulated by an intricate connection between plant carbon inputs, microbial activity, and the soil matrix. This is manifested by how microorganisms, the key players in transforming plant-derived carbon into soil organic carbon, are controlled by the physical arrangement of organic and inorganic soil particles. Here we conduct an incubation of isotopically labelled litter to study effects of soil structure on the fate of litter-derived organic matter. While microbial activity and fungal growth is enhanced in the coarser-textured soil, we show that occlusion of organic matter into aggregates and formation of organo-mineral associations occur concurrently on fresh litter surfaces regardless of soil structure. These two mechanisms—the two most prominent processes contributing to the persistence of organic matter—occur directly at plant–soil interfaces, where surfaces of litter constitute a nucleus in the build-up of soil carbon persistence. We extend the notion of plant litter, i.e., particulate organic matter, from solely an easily available and labile carbon substrate, to a functional component at which persistence of soil carbon is directly determined.
  • Particulate organic matter as a functional soil component for persistent soil organic carbon

    The largest terrestrial organic carbon pool, carbon in soils, is regulated by an intricate connection between plant carbon inputs, microbial activity, and the soil matrix. This is manifested by how microorganisms, the key players in transforming plant-derived carbon into soil organic carbon, are controlled by the physical arrangement of organic and inorganic soil particles. Here we conduct an incubation of isotopically labelled litter to study effects of soil structure on the fate of litter-derived organic matter. While microbial activity and fungal growth is enhanced in the coarser-textured soil, we show that occlusion of organic matter into aggregates and formation of organo-mineral associations occur concurrently on fresh litter surfaces regardless of soil structure. These two mechanisms—the two most prominent processes contributing to the persistence of organic matter—occur directly at plant–soil interfaces, where surfaces of litter constitute a nucleus in the build-up of soil carbon persistence. We extend the notion of plant litter, i.e., particulate organic matter, from solely an easily available and labile carbon substrate, to a functional component at which persistence of soil carbon is directly determined.
  • Roots are key to increasing the mean residence time of organic carbon entering temperate agricultural soils

    The ratio of soil organic carbon stock (SOC) to annual carbon input gives an estimate of the mean residence time of organic carbon that enters the soil (MRTOC). It indicates how efficiently biomass can be transformed into SOC, which is of particular relevance for mitigating climate change by means of SOC storage. There have been few comprehensive studies of MRTOC and their drivers, and these have mainly been restricted to the global scale, on which climatic drivers dominate. This study used the unique combination of regional-scale cropland and grassland topsoil (0–30 cm) SOC stock data and average site-specific OC input data derived from the German Agricultural Soil Inventory to elucidate the main drivers of MRTOC. Explanatory variables related to OC input composition and other soil-forming factors were used to explain the variability in MRTOC by means of a machine-learning approach. On average, OC entering German agricultural topsoils had an MRT of 21.5 ± 11.6 years, with grasslands (29.0 ± 11.2 years, n = 465) having significantly higher MRTOC than croplands (19.4 ± 10.7, n = 1635). This was explained by the higher proportion of root-derived OC inputs in grassland soils, which was the most important variable for explaining MRTOC variability at a regional scale. Soil properties such as clay content, soil group, C:N ratio and groundwater level were also important, indicating that MRTOC is driven by a combination of site properties and OC input composition. However, the great importance of root-derived OC inputs indicated that MRTOC can be actively managed, with maximization of root biomass input to the soil being a straightforward means to extend the time that assimilated C remains in the soil and consequently also increase SOC stocks.
  • Carbon allocation to the rhizosphere is affected by drought and nitrogen addition

    Photosynthetic carbon (C) allocated below-ground can be shared with mycorrhizal fungi in exchange for nutrients, but also added into soil as rhizodeposits that potentially increases plant nutrient supply by supporting microbial nutrient mineralization from organic matter. How water and nitrogen (N) availability affects plant C allocation to the rhizosphere, including both arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) symbionts and rhizodeposits, remains largely unknown. We used a 13CO2 pulse labelling experiment to assess the effects of drought and N addition on below-ground allocation of C to soils and roots (quantified as excess 13C) and tested their relationships with AMF colonization in an Australian grassland. We also examined relationships between AMF and previously reported root respiration and decomposition of rhizodeposits in this study. We found that drought decreased the absolute amount of excess 13C allocated to both soils and roots, likely due to less photosynthetic C fixation. In contrast, proportionally more excess 13C was allocated to soils but less to root biomass with drought, suggesting that relatively more C was allocated to rhizodeposits and to AMF hyphal growth and extension. However, N addition reversed drought effects on below-ground C allocation by retaining proportionally more excess 13C in roots and less in soils, congruent with higher soil N and phosphorus availability, root biomass and number of root tips compared to drought without N addition. This suggests that the alleviation of nutrient limitation promoted plants to expend relatively more C on root growth and root trait adjustment, but less C on rhizodeposition and mycorrhizal symbiosis. Synthesis. Mycorrhizal colonization related negatively to rhizodeposit decomposition rate but positively to both excess 13C in root biomass and root respiration, suggesting a possible trade-off in C allocation between mycorrhizal symbiosis and rhizodeposition. We conclude that below-ground C allocation in this grassland can be mediated by mycorrhizal colonization and is strongly affected by water and nutrient availability.
  • Chromolaena odorata (L.) K&R (Asteraceae) invasion effects on soil microbial biomass and activities in a forest-savanna mosaic

    Plant invasion may have significant ecological and socio-economic impacts across agroecologies. Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) is one of the world’s most invasive plants albeit it is considered a suitable fallow plant in West Africa. However, its impacts on soil biological processes are poorly understood. This study was conducted in intermingled forest and savanna sites invaded by C. odorata in Central Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa) to bridge this knowledge gap. Invaded forest sites (COFOR) were compared to adjacent natural forest fragments (FOR) while invaded savanna sites (COSAV) were compared to adjacent natural savanna fragments (SAV). Soil (0–10 cm depth) physico-chemical variables, including soil organic C (SOC), total soil N and available N and P concentrations were measured. Additionally, soil microbial biomass (MBC), carbon mineralization (Cmin), acid phosphatase, β-glucosidase, and fluorescein diacetate were measured. Further, the MBC/SOC ratio and the metabolic quotient (qCO2) were calculated. An index of invasion effect (IE) computed as the cumulative percent change in the microbial and enzyme activities was determined for each ecosystem context. Results showed that soil MBC and MBC/SOC ratio declined in COFOR relative to FOR. In general, Cmin, enzymatic activities, qCO2 and available N and P significantly increased in the C. odorata sites relative to the respective reference ecosystems, particularly savanna, potentially due to a larger gap in the litters’ quality. As a result, the invasion effect was twice as high in savanna (IE = 292.8%) as in forest (IE = 147.5%). However, a Principal Component Analysis showed that the COSAV were close to COFOR stands without mixing, probably due to contrasting initial soil organic matter and clay contents. These results improved our knowledge on the changes in soil microbial attributes and the mechanisms of soil fertility restoration or improvement in response to C. odorata invasion in natural forests and savannas of West Africa.
  • Soil organic carbon sequestration in temperate agroforestry systems – A meta-analysis

    Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration by improved agricultural practices is an acclaimed strategy to combat climate change. Nevertheless, the aim of increasing of SOC encounters limitations, e.g. with regards to permanence of carbon storage or leakage effects in food production. Agroforestry systems (AFS) are a promising land use option that is able to sequester substantial amounts of SOC while addressing these challenges. With a focus on temperate climate zones worldwide, available information on SOC in AFS was reviewed to determine their SOC sequestration potential and respective controlling factors. From a total of 61 observations, SOC sequestration rates in soils of AFS were derived for alley cropping systems (n = 25), hedgerows (n = 26) and silvopastoral systems (n = 10). The results showed that AFS have a potential for substantial SOC sequestration in temperate climates. SOC stocks were higher in the topsoil (0–20 cm) than in the control in more than 70% of the observations, and higher within the subsoil (20–40 cm) for 81% of all observations, albeit large variation in the data. The mean SOC sequestration rates were slightly higher at 0–20 cm (0.21 ± 0.79 t ha-1 yr-1) compared to 20–40 cm soil depth (0.15 ± 0.26 t ha-1 yr-1). Hedgerows revealed highest SOC sequestration rates in topsoils and subsoils (0.32 ± 0.26 and 0.28 ± 0.15 t ha-1 yr-1, respectively), followed by alley cropping systems (0.26 ± 1.15 and 0.23 ± 0.25 t ha-1 yr-1) and silvopastoral systems showing a slight mean SOC loss (−0.17 ± 0.50 and −0.03 ± 0.26 t ha-1 yr-1). Moreover, SOC sequestration rates tended to be higher for AFS with broadleaf tree species compared to coniferous species. We conclude that temperate AFS sequester significant amounts of SOC in topsoils and subsoils and represent one of the most promising agricultural measures for climate change mitigation and adaption.
  • Soil organic carbon sequestration in temperate agroforestry systems – A meta-analysis

    Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration by improved agricultural practices is an acclaimed strategy to combat climate change. Nevertheless, the aim of increasing of SOC encounters limitations, e.g. with regards to permanence of carbon storage or leakage effects in food production. Agroforestry systems (AFS) are a promising land use option that is able to sequester substantial amounts of SOC while addressing these challenges. With a focus on temperate climate zones worldwide, available information on SOC in AFS was reviewed to determine their SOC sequestration potential and respective controlling factors. From a total of 61 observations, SOC sequestration rates in soils of AFS were derived for alley cropping systems (n = 25), hedgerows (n = 26) and silvopastoral systems (n = 10). The results showed that AFS have a potential for substantial SOC sequestration in temperate climates. SOC stocks were higher in the topsoil (0–20 cm) than in the control in more than 70% of the observations, and higher within the subsoil (20–40 cm) for 81% of all observations, albeit large variation in the data. The mean SOC sequestration rates were slightly higher at 0–20 cm (0.21 ± 0.79 t ha-1 yr-1) compared to 20–40 cm soil depth (0.15 ± 0.26 t ha-1 yr-1). Hedgerows revealed highest SOC sequestration rates in topsoils and subsoils (0.32 ± 0.26 and 0.28 ± 0.15 t ha-1 yr-1, respectively), followed by alley cropping systems (0.26 ± 1.15 and 0.23 ± 0.25 t ha-1 yr-1) and silvopastoral systems showing a slight mean SOC loss (−0.17 ± 0.50 and −0.03 ± 0.26 t ha-1 yr-1). Moreover, SOC sequestration rates tended to be higher for AFS with broadleaf tree species compared to coniferous species. We conclude that temperate AFS sequester significant amounts of SOC in topsoils and subsoils and represent one of the most promising agricultural measures for climate change mitigation and adaption.
  • Spatial access and resource limitations control carbon mineralization in soils

    Core-scale soil carbon fluxes are ultimately regulated by pore-scale dynamics of substrate availability and microbial access. These are constrained by physicochemical and biochemical phenomena (e.g. spatial access and hydrologic connectivity, physical occlusion, adsorption-desorption with mineral surfaces, nutrient and resource limitations). We conducted an experiment to determine how spatial access and resource limitations influence core-scale water-soluble SOM mineralization, and how these are regulated by antecedent moisture conditions. Intact soil cores were incubated at field-moist vs. drought conditions, after which they were saturated from above (to simulate precipitation) or below (to simulate groundwater recharge). Soluble C (acetate) and N (nitrate) forms were added to some cores during the rewetting process to alleviate potential nutrient limitations. Soil respiration was measured during the incubation, after which pore water was extracted from the saturated soils and analyzed for water soluble organic carbon concentrations and characterization. Our results showed that C amendments increased the cumulative CO2 evolved from the soil cores, suggesting that the soils were C-limited. Drought and rewetting increased soil respiration, and there was a greater abundance of complex aromatic molecules in pore waters sampled from these soils. This newly available substrate appeared to alleviate nutrient limitations on respiration, because there were no further respiration increases with subsequent C and N amendments. We had hypothesized that respiration would be influenced by wetting direction, as simulated precipitation would mobilize C from the surface. However, as a main effect, this response was seen only in the C-amended soils, indicating that surface-C may not have been bioavailable. At the pore scale (pore water samples), drought and the C, N amendments caused a net loss of identified molecules when the soils were rewet from below, whereas wetting from above caused a net increase in identified molecules, suggesting that fresh inputs stimulated the C-and N-limited microbial populations present deeper in the soil profile. Our experiment highlights the complex and interactive role of antecedent moisture conditions, wetting direction, and resource limitations in driving core-scale C fluxes.
  • Increasing the organic carbon stocks in mineral soils sequesters large amounts of phosphorus

    Despite the fact that phosphorus (P) is critical for plant biomass production in many ecosystems, the implications of soil organic carbon (OC) sequestration for the P cycle have hardly been discussed yet. Thus, the aims of this study are, first, to synthesize results about the relationship between C and P in soil organic matter (SOM) and organic matter inputs to soils, second, to review processes that affect the C:P ratio of SOM, and third, to discuss implications of OC storage in terrestrial ecosystems for P sequestration. The study shows that the storage of OC in mineral soils leads to the sequestration of large amounts of organic phosphorus (OP) since SOM in mineral soils is very rich in P. The reasons for the strong enrichment of OP with respect to OC in soils are the mineralization of OC and the formation of microbial necromass that is P-rich as well as the strong sorption of OP to mineral surfaces that prevents OP mineralization. In particular, the formation of mineral-associated SOM that is favorable for storing OC in soil over decadal to centennial timescales sequesters large amounts of OP. Storage of 1,000 kg C in the clay size fraction in the topsoils of croplands sequesters 13.1 kg P. In contrast, the OC:OP ratios of wood and of peatlands are much larger than the ones in cropland soils. Thus, storage of C in wood in peatlands sequesters much less P than the storage of OC in mineral soils. In order to increase the C stocks in terrestrial ecosystems and to lock up as little P as possible, it would be more reasonable to protect and restore peatlands and to produce and preserve wood than to store OC in mineral soils.
  • Long-term, amplified responses of soil organic carbon to nitrogen addition worldwide

    Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the largest carbon sink in terrestrial ecosystems and plays a critical role in mitigating climate change. Increasing reactive nitrogen (N) in ecosystems caused by anthropogenic N input substantially affects SOC dynamics. However, uncertainties remain concerning the effects of N addition on SOC in both organic and mineral soil layers over time at the global scale. Here, we analysed a large empirical data set spanning 60 years across 369 sites worldwide to explore the temporal dynamics of SOC to N addition. We found that N addition significantly increased SOC across the globe by 4.2% (2.7%–5.8%). SOC increases were amplified from short- to long-term N addition durations in both organic and mineral soil layers. The positive effects of N addition on SOC were independent of ecosystem types, mean annual temperature and precipitation. Our findings suggest that SOC increases largely resulted from the enhanced plant C input to soils coupled with reduced C loss from decomposition and amplification was associated with reduced microbial biomass and respiration under long-term N addition. Our study suggests that N addition will enhance SOC sequestration over time and contribute to future climate change mitigation.
  • Climate drives global soil carbon sequestration and crop yield changes under conservation agriculture

    Conservation agriculture has been shown to have multiple benefits for soils, crop yield and the environment, and consequently, no-till, the central practice of conservation agriculture, has rapidly expanded. However, studies show that the potential for carbon (C) sequestration in no-till farming sometimes is not realized, let alone the ability to maintain or improve crop yield. Here we present a global analysis of no-till-induced changes of soil C and crop yield based on 260 and 1,970 paired studies; respectively. We show that, relative to local conventional tillage, arid regions can benefit the most from conservation agriculture by achieving a win-win outcome of enhanced C sequestration and increased crop yield. However, more humid regions are more likely to increase SOC only, while some colder regions have yield losses and soil C loss as likely as soil C gains. In addition to site-specific characteristics and management, a careful assessment of the regional climate is needed to determine the potential benefits of adopting conservation agriculture.
  • Long-term afforestation accelerated soil organic carbon accumulation but decreased its mineralization loss and temperature sensitivity in the bulk soils and aggregates

    The conversion of land use from agricultural land to forests is considered an effective measure of mitigating atmospheric CO2, but the impacts of long-term afforestation on soil organic carbon mineralization (Cm) and its temperature sensitivity (Q10) remain uncertain. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of different afforestation ages on OC contents and Cm and Q10 in bulk soils and aggregates. Soils were collected from 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm depths in afforested woodlands after 10, 20, 30 and 40 yrs of establishment of Robinia pseudoacacia on abandoned farmlands on the Loess Plateau, China. Cm and Q10 were measured in an 83-day incubation experiment at 25 °C and 15 °C. The results showed that long-term afforestation accelerated soil OC accumulation but decreased its Cm and Q10 in bulk soils and aggregates, and the effects were greater at the 0–10 cm soil depth. Macroaggregates contributed most of the OC content (62%), but microaggregates and silt + clay contributed most of the OC mineralized (40% and 36%) in the bulk soils. The increased OC content and decreased Cm in aggregates suggested an increase in the sequestration of OC in fine soil particles. The temperature sensitivity of OC mineralization increased with increasing particle size, with a higher Q10 value for macroaggregates (1.81 ± 0.44) than for microaggregates (1.42 ± 0.35) and silt + clay (1.31 ± 0.14). Our results indicated that long-term afforestation would be conducive to the accumulation of OC and would decrease the release of CO2 from soils under future climate warming scenarios. The findings highlighted the OC dynamics in abandoned farmland were more sensitive to the temperature changes than those in forests, and the stability of OC in aggregates increased as the aggregate size decreased. This study contributed to bridging current knowledge gapes about the process underlying the observed OC budget and its response to warming scenarios in rehabilitated ecosystems.